Sunday, March 18, 2012

Carrying Out My GAME Plan

Through this journey, I will work through the process of developing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating my personal GAME plan.  In order to carry out this plan, I will need recources.  Something that I am currently doing in my GAME plan, is discussing and sharing ideas with colleagues.  I am fortunate to work with some incredible 1st grade teachers with whom I am constantly sharing different SMART Board activities/lessons with.  We do a great job of communicating ideas with one another to better our students.  I have also been to two trainings since beginning this GAME plan.  The trainings were about using the technology in my classroom and sharing SMART Board activities/lessons that will get the kids up more and not just me standing there talking and using it.  I plan to continue my online research of finding more ways to use technology with my students on a daily basis.  Since the beginning of this school year, I can already tell a difference in how I teach and how much more my students are learning.  This makes me excited to continue this journey and see where it takes me.


  1. It very important to get students involve in the lessons. I use to find interactive lessons. Its a free site but it does have lesson you can purchase. It's very time consuming to search for lessons, that I feel the students will enjoy doing. Have you considered creating your own interactive lesson? I have created a few, but they were very basic drag and drop into the right category.

    1. Thanks for the tip! I actually have a SMART Board, not a Promethean Board. I have found tons of lessons for it and have found that's it quicker to search for lessons than to create them. Good for you to be creating your own!

  2. Creating a wiki or web-based online PLC would create a forum for faculty collaboration. Many technologies can be utilized across the curriculum and grade level. I added a resource page to my current web page. New links will be added and updated as they are generated by our staff. Technology allows us to quickly access information.

    Cathy B.

    1. Thanks for the great ideas,tips, and resources Cathy! :)

  3. Lindzey,

    There is a wonderful teacher at my site who has an excellent website. He is a first grade teacher and has a tremendous amount of resources on his site. I think you will find something that will be helpful for your students, colleagues, and for yourself. The website is
    I hope it is helpful!

    Marisa Roberts

    1. Thanks Marisa! I will definitely check this out! :)

  4. Lindzey-
    Communication with your colleagues is very important for the teachers and more importantly, the students! When all teachers in a grade level are on the same page, the students as a group will come out with a more unified education. Promethean Planet was mentioned above. That is a great site if you have a Promethean Board that uses ActivInspire. Some of the Flipcharts can be used on a SMART board, but it is a little different. Good luck with your plan! :)


    1. Thanks for the encouraging words and tips Allie! Good luck to you as well! :)

  5. I’m not sure if I shared this site promethean planet with you, but it has various interactive flip charts. It’s important that the students are actively involved in the lessons. I try to incorporate some type of activity that allows student to come to the board. Have you thought about asking your school technology person for the program cd to install on your personal computer? I learn a lot from playing around with the program at home during my free time. This may be something you would like to play around with over the summer.

    Alicia Roberts
